2006 Predictions

1. So much Capital, so few opportunities equals many more mega mergers. Combined with the mergers, will be many corporate unwindings (maybe Time Warner leads the way). Mergers will help keep a lid on any 20 plus percent selloffs in the US markets in 2006. Energy, Internet, Biotech and Financials will show the most activity.

2. Information is still king and those companies that deliver it in unique ways will provide great growth opportunities again, as they have since the beginning of the printing press. Apple, Yahoo, Ebay, Google will remain the buzz media companies (not much of a stretch, but they continue to execute!)

3. Videos prove to be more popular than music as a download. Apple keeps on trucking but there will be a hiccup at some point during 2006 – a buying opportunity.

4. Inflation becomes a hot topic, likely in the first quarter of 2006. Gold passes $600 per share in 2006.

5. The convergence of fashion and technology continues – Apple gets a hostile takeover bid.

6. Blackberry, Palm and the Motorola Q – no prediction, just excited to see how this play’s out. I am tempted to try a TREO 700 and Motorola Q as soon as they are released. As a devoted Blackberry fan, that means anything could happen in this space.

More to come..


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