Apple Tablet Overdose… $AAPL

I finally am thinking that the future is priced into Apple $aapl…the stock.

With the Apple Tablet, the world and it’s bloggers are ALL truly watching in real-time . That’s pretty crowded.

Throughout the stratosphereic run of Apple, few have truly believed. With the Apple stores, nobody believed. iTunes was mocked. The iPod was old technology. The Powerbooks too expensive. There was options backdating scandals and liver cancer.

NOW there are Tablet revenue predictiuons for 2020.

Nobody has seen the product, but the Tablet:

1. Is already the FUTURE of literature .

3. Killed the Kindle . I thought the Kindle had killed the Kindle when the Kindle was launched?

4. Was passed down from God. In fact, I think it would be cool if Steve Jobs had Ben-Hur playing before he takes the stage and throws the first Tablet into the crowd after breaking it on his knee.

I own Apple, but not with the size or passion that will make or break my year.

That said, I am so in on the Tablet.

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