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  • The Average Life is 30,000 Days...might as well LIVE and PLAY.

The Average Life is 30,000 Days...might as well LIVE and PLAY.

Good morning…

I was reading my friend Michael’s AI newsletter this morning and he mentioned that the average human lived for 30,000 days.

He was mentioning this in the context that Steve Jobs lived just 20,984 days (56 years old)and would have been joyous to be around for this AI revolution. Bill Gates got to see AI in his 25,000 th day and went gaga.

I have come to appreciate the idea of living and playing in this miraculous age of tech/toys.

I saw this crazy stat about living and playing in regards to Lebron James…

Just a friendly reminder that life is short and difficult but much is possible.

Have a great day.


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