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  • The 'Binge' ETF...The Battle To Get Lean

The 'Binge' ETF...The Battle To Get Lean

Good morning…

I have this video that Michael shared and his comments stuck in my head the last few days…

The comments to the tweet are great as well so you can click on the link and go read them.

My pal Phil (Trends With Friends) who is a ‘lean machine’ commented that ‘100 years ago everybody was lean’.

That sticks in my head as well.

The people back in this video were all probably wishing they had MORE to eat.

I am trying to get lean. I feel best when I am lean and I am trying to get to my weight below 180 for my upcoming Pyrenees cycling trip and it is really hard.

The only thing left for me to do is to alter my eating habits. I am on a low calorie and low carb type regimen right now which is the best I can do without feeling stressed and tortured.

I guess I could start smoking and take Ozempic (Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk), but I have enough pills/drugs in my life.

I can tell you what is not going through these people’s heads in 1930’s…’remember to call my stockbroker and buy Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk’.

Serenity Now.

PS - Note to self…Every time I binge eat…put $100 into a Novo/Eli Lily ETF - the ‘Binge ETF’ .


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