• Howie Town
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  • Chat GPT Continues to Amaze...Microsoft's Tentacles, The Open AI Keynote and Do Not Count Out Apple

Chat GPT Continues to Amaze...Microsoft's Tentacles, The Open AI Keynote and Do Not Count Out Apple

Track the performance of the S&P 500, but end up with more money from tax loss harvesting – for the same amount of effort and at a lower cost than robo-advisors. And the first three months are free. Seems too good to be true?

It’s called Frec Direct Indexing.

Good morning…

The advertisement you see up top is from one of our portfolio companies FREC.com which I use for all my direct indexing.

Our community here crushed it yesterday giving $6,000 so far to Sharon and her family and pushing the amount raised to $30,000. My hope is to head to Israel in the next few months with David and some other friends and hand over a check.


While I am not a ChatGPT daily user, I continue to be blown away by the use cases. Last year Social Leverage invested in a couple of AI focused funds and recently we made our first AI financial platform that we will formally announce soon.

The other night I had 20 plus students from Arizona State University at our Social Leverage office in Scottsdale to network, hear a pitch from one of our portfolio companies and present a few pitches themselves.

My first question to each was how they were using ChatGPT. They all use it and all have the app and were shoeing me what they do.

Yesterday, My son Max and I were working on a strategy plan for his last year in ciollege and career and he built a Google document that he fed through Chat GPT and the output was ridiculously good. While students may not be using Chat GPT in college or high school for fear of being caught, the real world will explode with better organized plans and strategies and productivity from the Open AI’s. The real world will demand it.

Open AI is the leader and early juggernaut of AI.

Microsoft has weaved themselves into the AI universe in as many ways as possible…

I joked with Matt in the comments calling Microsoft the Middle East of AI. The strategy has paid off as Microsoft’s stock price is at all-time highs.

Ben Thompson has a great essay and recap of the Open AI Keynote that you should read if you are at all interested in the future.

My friend Om Malik has a reminder that Apple has joined the party with their new M3 chips.

If you want to stay up daily and or weekly on all things AI from the eyes of a geek, user, and professional analyst you can sign up for Michael Parekh’s daily newsletter (which is free). I do.

Have a great day.


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