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  • Checking In On Cybersecurity and Rethinking Startup Nation (Israel)

Checking In On Cybersecurity and Rethinking Startup Nation (Israel)

The Markets Are Closed

Good morning everyone.

The markets are closed for Martin Luther King Day.

I love the markets but I especially love them when they are closed.

I would be thrilled if they were open 4 days a week, not 5.

Anyhoo….I feel like writing because I am up working so away I go.

I wanted to catch up on Cybersecurity and the center of the Cyber Industry - Israel.

About four months ago I pointed out that Cyber stocks were leading the markets higher (on my weekly Momentum Monday shows) and since they have run 20-60 percent.

My friend Josh Brown had a great interview with Dan Ives who dove into the reasons why for those that want to listen. I did.

Josh’s full post is here. By the way Josh loves his food and his Pastrami reco in Manhattan is worth the read as well.

Alan Feld, who runs one of the largest Tech Venture funds in Israel wrote an important piece in The Times Of Israel titled ‘Rethinking Startup Nation’. It is a must read. While Israel leads in cyber security, Alan is pushing that Israel needs to quickly diversify out of cybersecurity.

This could be great news for the leaders/incumbents over the years to come.

Have a great day.


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