• Howie Town
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  • The Debate Rages On…What is Facebook Worth?

The Debate Rages On…What is Facebook Worth?

Obviously, if it goes public, we will know every minute of every day.

I don’t think that makes sense if a good offer is on the table…which I think it is.

I like Dave Winer’s post the best . His contention is it’s all about the ‘balls’ that Facebook has. Not as good as mine, but good :) . I still think Coke (or Pepsi for that matter) should come in this weekend and up Microsoft.

Coke can cut $10 billion in advertising over 10 years and at worst pay for itself that way. Microsoft could do the same really if they used Facebook properly, but they won’t :) . The only ‘balls’ you can associate with Microsoft is that their ads suck them.


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