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  • A Fantastic Small World Moment Thanks To My Years of Writing...

A Fantastic Small World Moment Thanks To My Years of Writing...

A few days ago I got this text from Dr. Steven Lester, a great friend I grew up with playing summer a lot of summer golf in Toronto…

We texted back and forth for a while catching up on families because we had not seen each other since both going to University of Western Ontario together.

It turns out he has been in Scottsdale the last 25 years working as a cardiologist at Mayo clinic. Steve is also the founder Chief Medical Officer of the Mayo Clinic - Arizona State University Medtech Accelerator.

The VC friend of his (Matt) recognized me from my newsletter that he has been reading for ten years.

Long story short, the three of us grabbed dinner last night and had a blast talking about life, family, golf, the world of investing and free cardiovascular advice. Steve’s world of venture investing at Mayo is way more interesting than mine.

Here we are last night, both 58 years of age and picking up where we left off 40 years ago.

Have a great day.


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