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  • Hamas War Crimes... and Why It Is 'Harder' To Stand With Israel

Hamas War Crimes... and Why It Is 'Harder' To Stand With Israel

Good morning…

A couple of good reads to share before I dive in today…

Fiat News In The Fog of War from Rusty and Ben at Epsilon is fantastic.

The documented War Crimes of Hamas from the last few weeks (Images are graphic).


The ‘Onion’ ran a despicable headline last week (they would defend themselves by saying it is satire) titled ‘ The Onion Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble With It’.

In real life and real time (the world I have watched since the attacks started), the opposite is true…’it seems like you get in LESS trouble not saying anything or standing with Hamas and/or Palestine.

In fact, in real life it is just harder to stand with Israel. Full stop. Furthermore, you might just get in more trouble standing with Israel.

If you stand with Israel…I do, you were sick to your stomach and riddled with anxiety when you were told or found out that The New York Times, BBC, Washington Post et al rushed to report 500 dead at a Gaza hospital from an Israeli rocket. (ALSO NOT TRUE)

You were sick because you have a soul and and you know how the Israeli’s can’t afford any dead civilians in Gaza because of the higher standard media holds Israel relative to their own militaries. You were sick because you know that Hamas and all Iof srael’s enemies would delight in any Israeli mistake. You know that the narrative will change at some point and you knew this could be that moment. I know because I have asked 100 jewish people/Israeli’s since and they all had that feeling.

If you stand with Israel you are furious because when Hamas launches rockets and actually hits Israeli hospitals as they did on Oct 8 and 11th, they receive ZERO coverage or condemnation from the same media:

Backing up…I do not read the Onion but because of the terrible Twitter algo I was shown the headline as venture capitalists I follow retweeted it.

I follow Bill Gurley, famous venture capitalist, who liked or rewteeted the article which was already retweeted by Paul Graham, founder of Y Combinator.

I immediately told Paul Graham he was a f@#king putz (I do not follow him) and blocked him so as not to see any more of his anti-semitism (I have since left Twitter). I don’t know if Y Combinator has taken money from Qatar or Saudi Arabia, but since Paul’s only Twitter take on Israel and the terrorism was this retweet, I will assume he is under their spell. I doubt Paul Graham uses Twitter to be funny and I doubt he links to The Onion regularly if ever.

So to The Onion, Paul Graham, Bill Gurley and the other venture capitalists who are ‘Standing With Israel’ because you will get in less trouble…I am angry and sad to see how little you care.

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