Hello Generativity

Good morning...

Fauda was out last night on Netflix and Ellen was not feeling well so we binged half the season.

I am hoping to get my lazy ass out for a ride today. It continues to be unseasonably cold and wet in Phoenix the last month.

I was talking with a good friend about my life at 57 and they said I had entered the era of 'Generativity'. I had to look it up on Wikipedia. Here you go:

In 1950 Erik Erikson created the term generativity to explain the 7th stage in his theory of the stages of psychosocial development. The 7th stage encompasses the middle ages of one's life, from 40 through 64. Generativity was defined as the “ability to transcend personal interests to provide care and concern for younger and older generations.”[3] It took over 30 years for generativity to become a subject of empirical research. Modern psychoanalysts, starting in the early 1990s, have included a concern for one's legacy, referred to as an “inner desire for immortality”, in the definition of generativity.[4]

Psychologically, generativity is concern for the future, a need to nurture and guide younger people and contribute to the next generation.[5] Erikson argued that this usually develops during middle age (which spans ages 40 through 64) in keeping with his stage-model of psychosocial development.[6] After having experienced old age himself, Erikson believed that generativity maintains a more important role in later life than he initially had thought.

I am a late bloomer to this 'generativity' thing, but I do like being here.

It feels more like a privilege to me than anything else.

Have a great Saturday.


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