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  • The Holocaust Could Not Have Occurred Had The State Of Israel Existed - October 7th Shows Us Exactly That

The Holocaust Could Not Have Occurred Had The State Of Israel Existed - October 7th Shows Us Exactly That

Good morning.

Before I get started I wanted to share some links about the trend in the defense Industry that I mentioned briefly last week. We should see astonishing growth (invested dollars) for at least the next decade or two.

If not for Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’, who knows how bad things would be for Israel after 15,000 rockets launched from GAZA the last 30 plus days.

Here is Joe Lonsdale on ‘Our Duties as defense Technologists’ 

Here is a YouTube video covering Anduril - a startup Joe backed (I am an indirect personal investor), the startup reshaping geopolitics.


I wake up each morning wanting to write about the trends I see and the things that were interesting to me in markets.

Sadly, the biggest trend I see though right now has nothing to do with the markets and is a rise in Anti-Semitism.

For a month, the anti-zionists were saying anti-zionism was not anti-semitism, but from the mobs this weekend in New York and London and Australia (‘gas the jews’) we know that is a lie.

I did not know the Jewish people needed a ‘Special Envoy For Combatting Antisemitism’ but I am glad we have one and her name is Michal Cotler-Wunsh.

Kamala Harris would do well to speak to Michal - before doing speeches about Islamaphobia which does not exist at least relative to anti-semitism. Despicable from Kamala.

This speech from Michal at The UN last week is a must listen. The 20 minutes is full of FACTS. The biggest fact is the Holocaust could not have occurred had the state of Israel Existed. That is OUR call to action.

The Hamas attack brought Jewish people around the world as well as Israel together in ways the terrorists did not measure. The price for a secure Jewish state is very high. As Michal says…we will not wait to be saved this time around.

While bringing Jewish people together, Hamas and other sick, murderous terrorist groups have broken an Arab bond for the time being. The Arabs decided to hold their own ‘summit’ this weekend and it backfired for the murderers…

Slowly , but now now all of a sudden the sane world is getting to see the evil that Hamas has been spreading and perpetrating in Gaza since 2005. The brainwashing starts early…

Hopefully, one moral to this painful and deadly massacre by Hamas that started October 7th is ‘Do Not Glorify Violence

Meanwhile…the ONLY people that are working hard to free the hostages are the Israeli’s themselves. The Israeli’s know only they can save the hostages…that too is the price of being a secure state.

Have a good Sunday.

I am off to NYC for a few days of work.


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