Information and Hard Assets

In the spirit of punding the table on hard assets and information technology, it is appropriate to put down on paper the ideas I am looking at so that I can come back to them in my hours of doubt and review them: With the government spending like crazy and China and India just getting their first taste of wealth and BLING! where does that leave us.

Let’s start with hard assets

Politically stable realestate – preferrably southwest for meGold, metals oil

Delivering the goods worldwide:

Fedex and UPS

How about protecting those hard assets:


Information technology

Specialized media including delivery – TWX, Yahoo, EBAY, Apple – not in that order

voice recognition – it’s time has come – IBM, Nuance

If I could understand biotech, I guess you have to have some so maybe just the index stock BBH

If I can just stick to that investing gameplan I could get out of the putz category!


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