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  • This Is NOT a Vacation - Climbing Col Du Tourmalet

This Is NOT a Vacation - Climbing Col Du Tourmalet

Good morning from The Pyrenees and the top of Col Du Tourmalet…

A Celebratory Smoke at The Top

Our cycling trips have somehow evolved from fun to work. My friend Ali Benham who started this whole thing many years ago has gotten himself into such great shape over the years that he continues to push the Biko team to break us.

Today, we climbed the Col Du Tourmalet, another famous mountain in the Pyrenees.

It is 19 km of climbing with no real break for your legs. It is the most climbing I have ever done in one day at 4,600 feet. For the day we climbed 5,700 feet, a personal best for me.

I love to cycle, but 2-3 hours on the bike is plenty for me.

I don’t like golfing for 4-5 hours and so I don’t really care to cycle for 4-5 hours.

But, today was the exception, not the rule.

We got lucky with a perfect cool day, partial sun (great light) and no wind. I figured it would take me 2 hours and 30 minutes with a couple stops for fuel, but I did the climb in under 2 hours. It was a thrill for sure.

The descent was incredible and I hit a top speed of 42 miles per hour.

For perspective, the best time on the mountain according to Strava is 48 minutes. That is mind bending to me.

A few days ago I bought a pack of cigarettes hoping we would take a photo a the top having a celebratory smoke. It was a fun photo to take.

A few other photos from the climb for posterity…

Have a great day.


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