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  • The Rise of Anti-Semitism, The Disgusting UNWRA and The Hamas Savages

The Rise of Anti-Semitism, The Disgusting UNWRA and The Hamas Savages

Good morning…

I am having a fun/busy weekend with Ellen and Max (Rachel is back in New York).

Max came home to be at the opening night of golf at Grass Clippings. From left the founders Pete, Jimmy, Parker (not a founder - head of instruction), Connor and Jake

Yesterday Max and I played golf up at Scottsdale National his favorite place to play and I saw him go birdie, birdie, eagle which was fun. He birdied 18 for a 32 on the back 9.

Last night Ellen and I put a table together for the JCC Gala with 700 other Jewish and non-Jewish members (like Congressman Ritchie Torres) of the community to honor Steve Hilton and Irwin Kanefsky.

Of course much of the talk was about the rise of ant-semitism, especially on college campuses and all over America…our home.

Steve is a few years older than me and his dad was 13 and survived 5 concentration camps during the Holocaust. He has passed away now and Steve has taken upon himself to be a leader in our Phoenix community to make sure ‘Never Again’. Unfortunately, as he says, we have gone from ‘Never Again’ to ‘Ever Again’ and he is filled with sorrow and rage.

If you have been following along since October 7th on my blog here you have picked up on my sorrow and rage.

The one thing I have been doing other than donating time and money to help Jewish charities and Israel is to stand up digitally and physically as a proud Jewish person to share stories and facts.

I think everyone at all interested in the truth as anti-semitism rises should read this great post titled ‘Debunking the Pro-Palestinian Propoganda Machine’ - How They Communicate to manipulate. Please do share it as well.

Some stories and facts that caught my attention the last couple of days:

TikTok is a meaningful driver in the surge of anti-semitism - check this study:

The 13th Prime Minister of Isarel on Gaza casualties:

Eliminating thousands of ‘terror tunnels’ throughout Gaza, under hospitals, schools and Mosques will take time:

If you believe ANYTHING reported by Hamas you are lazy and full of hate and shit:

The UN is useless and works for Hamas …the Hamas are savages - here caught on take capturing Moran and bragging about her being a sex slave and Jewish dog:

The UNWRA gets $1.6 billion yearly from all of us to educate and create a continuing flow of terror for Gaza and Israel. They are so shameless that they take to Twitter to deny and of course get ‘community noted’ as liars. They are an enemy to all of us and pure evil:

Want further proof (short video) of how UNWRA spends their ill gotten charity from all of us:

Why is Anti-Semitism on the rise in America…I give you congresswoman and traitor Rashida Hamas who continues to gaslight Americans:

For all the terror, savagery, hate, kidnapping, rape and murder I give you these 9 Israeli youngsters who spent 6 Shabbats in Gaza as hostages celebrating their first Shabbat back together in Israel.

Have a great Sunday.

Thanks so much for reading and understanding my sorrow and rage.


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