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  • Sunday Reads an Listens - The Debt Ceiling, Startup Bonanza in Manhattan, The Generational Wealth Transfer and Spotify's Daniel Ek

Sunday Reads an Listens - The Debt Ceiling, Startup Bonanza in Manhattan, The Generational Wealth Transfer and Spotify's Daniel Ek

Sunday Reading in Soho - Midjourney

Happy Sunday from New York…

You are going to hear endless screaming about the ‘debt ceiling’ for years to come, but the fear mongering and panic is going to be very acute as June 1 approaches. I liked this piece from Nick Magguilli covering ‘What Happens If The US Defaults On It’s Debt?’.

I do not like sharing all this negativity, but to ignore it seems irresponsible.


This morning, my friend Ted Merz is going to take me for my first long ride in and around the city on a Citi bike. I am excited to see the city from the bike.

Ellen and I plan to spend more time in New York city again over the next few years, so I may just keep a bike here for rides in Central Park. My business will require me to spend more time here…why?

Our fund Social Leverage has definitely bet big on the city in the last year. Our new emerging manager fund has invested in many New York managers who are focused on founders and teams in New York.

Enough about me and New York…some more reads and listens below…

Notes from Prince Henry’s ghostwriter is excellent. I am a big fan of J.R. Moeringer who also was the ghostwriter of ‘Shoe Dog’(Nike) and ‘Open’ (Agassi).

Good news for the yoots…the ‘greatest generational wealth transfer is here’.

Why Coca Cola had cocaine…so interesting.

This was a good interview with Spotify founder Daniel Ek about the move into podcasting and audiobooks.

This is a fun and a little frightening video of a gravel bike race. The ‘cow path of death’ does not sound like a great time.

Have a great Sunday.


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