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  • Sunday Reads And Listens...How To Follow Me And That Is NOT Me on Facebook

Sunday Reads And Listens...How To Follow Me And That Is NOT Me on Facebook

Delete The Twitter App - Narrative First Whole Story Never Is No Way To Live Life

Happy Sunday and Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers (more than you think) that read me here.

May your kids not roll their eyes for 24 hours…

Here we go…

My pal Josh calls it ‘The Facebook Crime Wave’ and it really is. Ditto for what Josh says….

Quick housekeeping item - I am saying this here in the hopes that as many people as possible who follow me will see it: I do not solicit people on Facebook or Instagram to join Whatsapp groups or trade crypto. 

I do not sell stock picks via text message. I will never DM you. I will never ask you to DM me. If you ever see an advertisement using my image or name or some unverified version of my profile, I promise you it’s not me. It’s a scam. Do not engage. Simply click the Report button and tell Meta / Facebook / Instagram about it. Reporting a fraudulent account or a harmful advertisement takes 5 seconds.

I can’t believe I feel the need to say this, but I have been inundated with messages asking “Is this really you?” and it’s a picture of me with a Whatsapp link telling people to join some penny stock or crypto trading group. I am being told the same thing is happening with Abby Johnson (the CEO of Fidelity), Mohamed El-Erian (Allianz), Liz Ann Sonders (Charles Schwab) and, hilariously, Peter Lynch (retired from the mutual fund business for over thirty years now).

And, for some inexplicable reason, some people are reporting it immediately while others aren’t sure if it’s possibly real. I am telling you here that it is always fake. No well known person in finance will ever solicit you for anything like this except maybe Kevin O’Leary. If it’s him in the advertisement, it might be real. Anyone else, you can take it to the bank that it’s a scam.

Part of me feels like if you’re dumb enough to think Mohamad El-Erian wants to have a text message relationship with you, it’s your problem. Part of me feels like if you think Liz Ann Sonders wants to talk to you about crypto on a fucking Whatsapp channel, you might have brain damage. But then part of me is like “Well, people are young and inexperienced...” Or “people are desperate and can talk themselves into something if it looks like free money.”

So I am posting this message here. I don’t have a public Facebook account to say this on. I don’t know what else to do. I am being advised behind the scenes that I should sue Meta / Facebook for allowing people to use my likeness to sell products on their platform. By allowing scammers to utilize my name and image, it’s a form of defamation that is not covered by section 230 immunity because, again, these are not fake profiles they are paid ads. Meta is making money from this. In public statements we are hearing about how wonderful the company’s AI is. In reality, they have fired thousands of employees and now have a free-for-all of unlawful content on their services.

If you know someone who works in Facebook Privacy or Meta security, please send them this note to wake them up.

Thank you for reporting these fake ads when you see them.

I have a Facebook account that I rarely check (and never DM or use Messenger) so I will post this same message there now.


What is the best way to follow me?

Here goes…

  1. I post here almost everyday. It is my best personal habit and do not be shy. You are welcome to [please share my posts or say hello.

  2. Stocktwits is where I share my stock ideas and positions (I mostly direct Index on Frec.com) but I always own some stocks as well.

  3. Trends With Friends…please subscribe on YouTube or Spotify for the weekly show (Thursdays) and you will get alerts.

  4. NEW - Trendswithfriends.com I launched this site to make it easy to subscribe to my favorite investment writers that cover trends and investment ideas. You can subscribe directly to the writers or get a weekly email with our favorite links. You can sign up here and get today’s.

  5. I only use Twitter from the desktop - I removed the mobile app months ago. Your outlook on life and human beings will improve once you remove the app. See Bill Maher’s latest ‘New Rules’ for the correct take on all TV news and of course Twitter and Faceplant and Tik Shlock…

Long before Bill’s rant, my pal Ben Hunt has covered the power of Narrative’s first. Here are some easy links. I have had Ben on the old podcast many times and will have him on ‘Trends With Friends’ soon.

I appreciate the incredible support from everyone on my HowieTown newsletter here, Stocktwits, Trends With Friends and Momentum Monday content.

People ask me how I do it. It is simple…this habit is my homework. I love my job and my homework is a big part of my job.

There is no job description for ‘investing your money and others’.

I take my job seriously, not so much life.

Speaking of not taking life seriously, Jerry Seinfeld is everywhere. It is not a great look, but he’s in sales mode for his Pop Tart movie. Even Jerry has to sell and be everywhere in 2024 because the algos rule the social media content world.

If only Jerry had a Beehiiv and a Punch Up page to reach his fans whenever he liked, no censoring, participate in ticket sales and have the data on his fans.…I think he will one day soon.

I listened to too many of Jerry’s interviews so you do not have to. My faves were his New Yorker interview and Neal Brennan.

Have a great Sunday.


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