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  • Sunday Reads and Listens...Keeping Up With Technology Sector In This Transition and My Real Vision Interview

Sunday Reads and Listens...Keeping Up With Technology Sector In This Transition and My Real Vision Interview

Good morning...

I spent the week in Manhattan working with my partner Gary. He has a place on the Upper West at Columbus Circle. I have not stayed uptown in the city forever and I loved it. The west side was very alive. I did not go for a run in the park this time but I should have...next time. I have to figure out how to leave a bike in the city and which friend to ask for storage so I can head on some group rides on the West side.

Now that Apple Pay works in the subway, I am way more comfortable heading down into the system. I feel way more in control of my time and happy to go anywhere.

It's fun being in New York knowing my daughter Rachel is there. Friday night we had a late dinner with my great friends the Traub's at Giorgio's in Flatiron.

I ate terribly this week, but New York just has too much food in every direction. Only in New York can I get a great dumpling and a great doughnut right next to each other...underground.

I caught up on some reading on the flight home yesterday so here comes the reading dump for you...

I find myself going to Techmeme more and more again these days. It's free and simple, and covers all the top tech news with all the chatter surrounding the news. I am probably using it more because we are in this transition phase in technology as web 2 growth and interest fades.

I have wanted to keep up with tech layoffs and tech salaries for helping our own portfolio companies. Turns out one person has built both sites. On the layoff side it is Layoffs.fyi and on the salaries side it is Comprehensive.io. I bookmarked them.

A dense, but great catchup on technology in 2022 is Ben Thompson's year in review.

I have a lot of younger friends who have been laid off work at technology 'startups'. In many ways, web 2 and so far 'web 3' have been misdirections for a generation of young people. This 2021 piece by Evan Armstrong is a good one titled 'You Probably Shouldn't Work at A Startup'.

Speaking out of the other side of his mouth, and mine, Evan wrote 'It Is Always Time To Build', something I completely agree with all the time. Of course, not everyone can and should, but interest rates do not equal innovation rates. in the last 100 years, 21 of the greatest technology companies were founded with rates above 5 percent.

Last but not least today, I had a long discussion with Raoul Pal of Real Vision (all in the third person) about 2022 and what could come next. You can watch it here.

Have a great Sunday.


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