• Howie Town
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  • The Hashtag Is Dead...Long Live The Cashtag

The Hashtag Is Dead...Long Live The Cashtag

This tweet warmed my heart…

Amen to the ‘$ Cashtag’ which we created back in 2008 at Stocktwits.com.

The other day Elon announced what I assume his algorithms had already done…killed the HASHTAG (#)

The first comment was from my hilarious and anonymous ‘fintwit’ friend Ramp Capital who loves to tweet about stocks and markets:

Back in 2007 when Stocktwits created the ‘$ cashtag ‘ we did so because we knew the hashtag would get polluted with spam and I needed a way to talk about stocks on Twitter which was my favorite product. By 2008 the ‘hashtag’ was mostly worthless.

It took forever for the ‘cashtag’ to become a thing because it really was meant to curate market and stock talk.

While Elon killed the hashtag, he won’t/can’t kill the ‘cashtag’. He could care less about the financial markets, but $TSLA has sure been good to him and the tens of millions talking about his stock on Twitter tagging $TSLA is great for Tesla and Elon.

While Elon won’t kill the ‘cashtag’, the hundreds of millions of bots and scammer and spammers have made it useless on Twitter.

That is fine with me because for 17 years we have been subscale at Stocktwits, quietly and tirelessly curating, filtering and promoting the use of the cashtag. The cashtag has never been more relevant.

Of all the weird and smart and silly and useless ideas I have, this one is by far the one that has travelled the farthest and am proudest of.


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