Turning 58...Lucky Me

Happy Sunday.

I turned 58 today. I do not feel old but I do look older. It is not fun losing to time.

For the week in Spain and France, I cycled 250 miles and climbed 27,000 feet. I trained well enough that I did not suffer too badly and really enjoyed how much our group pushed each other. The age range for our group of eight was 45 to 64. No injuries amongst the group is a minor miracle.

I am writing this morning from the Toulouse airport in France.

My laptop is fried so I am using an airport desktop PC to type and the keyboard is jumbled. It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to find the “at” shortcut (thank goodness for Google) so I will keep it short and sweet today.

I am off to work in Tel Aviv to this week. When I come to Europe for my twice yearly cycling trips, I head to Tel Aviv because it is generally just a 3 hour flight.

My 58th year was really great. The baseline is always the health of Ellen, Rachel and Max who are doing great. My health is good too so I have nothing to complain about.

The investing gods were tougher on me than the easy 15 previous years, but I was due to get smacked around. I am excited about the themes I have immersed myself in the last 3-4 years. I wrote more than ever on my blog; had a movie I helped executive produce reach the Tribecca Film Festival, ate a little better, lost a little weight and probably spent too much time biking on roads that have cars. I plan to lower that time significantly this year.

I have been thinking a lot about my 59th year because the big 60 is next.

I get to work with the people I want to at Social Leverage so I can focus on doing a better job investing and helping our portfolio companies succeed. Pretty simple really.

I could make my business\work goals more complicated (believe me that coming up with ideas is not a problem), but I love what I do and how Social Leverage has grown and evolved.

This year is therefore going to be about more family time, more smiles, more laughs, more sharing, more media experimentation and being a better mentor. To do this, the biggest change I have to make is more No’s.

Of course, now life will smack me around and try to get me off track.

Thanks for following along and keeping it fun for me to continue writing and sharing.


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