What I Learned At Stocktoberfest

And My Rules Of Investing

Good morning from Las Vegas.

Yesterday I gave my ‘Degenerate Economy’ presentation to about 500 people at The Stansberry confererence. It was the same presentation I gave to open Stocktoberfest on Monday. The average age of attendance was about 20 years lower at Stocktoberfest but there was just as much laughing and shaking of heads in both audiences. Every investing age seems to enjoy hearing me explain this trend and realizes they are a member of it.

Our Stocktwits Stocktoberfest conference was fantastic. We had over 300 people at The Hotel Del hearing from my favorite speakers on all things investing trading , media and technology.

The mysterious Coronado island sand castle builder/artist built a beautiful Stocktoberfest welcome and at 7 AM Monday nearly 50 of us did the Navy Seal beach run to get the conference going. Our youngest ever runner and attendee was Genta, Yoshi’s son (Alpaca) who had landed the day before from Kyoto Japan.

Below are a few of the slides from my presentation that speak to the trend and also why I think it is also so important for people to index with ETF’s as well.

This was the first conference that gold was a topic of conversation and both gold and silver are up more (40 and 50 percent) than the Nasdaq 100 this year. If gold is indeed in it’s next bull run cycle, other commodities will follow, especially oil. Lewis Johnson explained it all to us and he has been on this trend for a little while now and seen a couple commodity bull cycles over his long career.

From gold to memecoins, Nicky Montana helped explain the phenomenon of Pump.Fun, memecoins and his new product Spot.Dog

JC from All Star Charts is always a crowd favorite and he showed us what is happening around the world in 30 minutes. Here is the presentation for everyone here at GetTheCharts.com.

A few more from Brian Shannon before I sign off …

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’ - Leonardo Da Vinci

Simplicity is the markets greatest disguise’.

‘Don’t Buy The Dip…Buy The Strength After The Dip’. - Brian Shannon himself

Have a great day.


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